Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Working on some new Items

Hello everyone! Yes, I know, it's been a while since I last posted. I've had lots of stuff going on, first being the garage sale that I had here 2 weeks ago, which went pretty well! Then this last weekend we had a little party here to celebrate our oldest son Brian graduating College. It was just the very immediate family on both sides, and a few of his friends. Everyone had a great time, even with the temps being in the mid 80's.

Yesterday I finally got to work in my sewing room, after not doing ANY sewing for almost 3 weeks !! And thought I would share with you the 3 items that I finished and have listed on Ebay now.

First is another sweet little mini long style accent pillow using everyone's favorite print by Northcott (tm);

Next is a pretty hanging pillow featuring an Image of a lovely Angel dressed in pink with pretty roses.

Here is a lovely embellished Hand Towel with pretty pink rose fabrics.

Here is a photo I thought I would share with you from Brian's party Saturday ~ I positioned the tables underneath our clothes line, and draped various sheets and fabric over it to help shade them a bit, which worked pretty well. And on our deck we had 2 tables set up as well for our family.

Now here is the BEST picture of all ~ this is our Gbaby Seth at 8 months old (he's now over 8 1/2 months) He's just getting so big !

Well, that's about it for today's post......I've been giving some thought on having a Giveaway soon ~ so stayed tuned for more on that :)

Until next time sweet friends.


Susan said...

OMG Brenda. That grandbaby is a living DOLL! Your heart must be so filled with love. Congratulations to you and your son on his immense achievement. Fabulous! Your newest creations are absolutely charming. Love them. Susan

Shabby chic Sandy said...

Your yard looks so beautiful..and the pillows and hand towel have so much detail. They are lovely! Seth is a doll. Lucky you:)

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Oh how I LOVE your pillows, Brenda! But that precious lil grandson is awesome, too!!! I'm gearing up for my annual WEDDING BLOG PARTY on June 8th and would so love for you to join us. Perhaps you could post some pretty bridal pillows or something you've created in the past? It would be a nice way to promote your pretties! And I'm having a great software giveaway on my blog so please stop by and enter!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Big TX Hugs,

Licia said...

Hi excuse for my English but I wanted to make you the compliments for your jobs and to invite you to my contest


I hope you will want to also participate you Hi Licia

Rebecca Nelson said...

Your g-baby boy is so cute I want to PINCH HIM!


I can hear the screams NOW!

Love your stuff! Miss you!


Linda Carole Bloom said...

What a cute grandbaby, don't you have such fun??! I also love your idea of the canopy over the table.

Shirley said...

Hi Brenda, I am a little slow catching up with my friends. I think of you every time I look at my pink container I won from you that sits by my computer. Your grandson is so cute and they do grow so very fast. Congrats to your son. I love what you have been making. Have a great week. Hugs from your Missouri Friend.


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