Friday, July 30, 2010

Our 22nd Anniversary & Giveaway Ends Today

22 years ago today I said "I Do" to my sweet hubby Brian...I remember the most about that day as it being VERY HOT!! That late morning I was at the Hair Salon getting my hair done, and almost passing out from the heat right there in the chair! I suppose it didn't help that it was almost noon and I hadn't had anything to eat :( I am the oldest in my family, but I was the last one to get married. My brother (who is a year younger than me) walked down the aisle first, then my sister (who is almost 6 years younger than me), and finally little o me :) Hey, I wanted to live life a bit before I married! And I was only 24when Brian and I did marry :)

I also remember being very nervous....that is until I started to walk down the aisle, then I didn't feel one bit nervous at all! It was meant to be :)

We were married at the same church that my parents had been married in; where I when to Sunday School as a young girl, and it was also the same church that my sister married, and my brother and his wife renewed their vows some years later: (They were married in Arkansas where he was stationed in the A.F. and where they met). So, lots of history with that church (Cedar Springs United Methodist Church), and it was very important to me that I too be married there.

Below are a couple of photos I thought I would share with you. This first one is of myself & Brian :) We didn't (or should I say couldn't afford) a professional photographer, so we had his Dad take some photos for us :) I think he did a pretty good job :) And remember, these photos were taken 22 years ago before there was ever any Digital cameras!

This next photo is my most favorite and my most wonderful father walking me down the aisle. It's so hard to believe that less than 2 years after this picture was taken, that I would lose my father to a car accident :(

And here are us and "my girls"....That's my sister, Tina, standing next to me, and over on hubby's side is my good friend Rita, and next to her, my sister-in-law Anne. Can you tell I did a bit of a Southern theme for my wedding :)

And here are my hubby's "guy's" the right is one of the ushers (sorry, don't remember his name), then his youngest brother Lieu, then older brother Mitch,(then us, lol), then his other younger brother Les, and finally, the other Usher (okay, I know his name, but do you think I can remember it!).

And a reminder; today is the last day to enter my can do so HERE, Remember, to be entered to win the stocking you MUST leave a comment on that post. If you are a follower, leave me a comment telling me so; if you are a new follower, leave a comment; The winner will be chosen from one of the comments left! So if you haven't entered the giveaway yet, you still have time ladies :) JUST LEAVE A COMMENT ON THAT POST TO BE ENTERED :) Good luck everyone!!!


Patti said...

A VERY happy anniversary to you and Brian!! May your celebration today be filled with all the love and joy of your wedding day...and may you enjoy many more years of marital happiness.

You were a beautiful bride!! And Brian a handsome groom.

Your gown was a bit like mine, in that it was off the shoulder like that. I got married in the 80's as well (86), so maybe it was the style back then (like strapless is the thing today).

Anyhow, rejoicing with you as you celebrate another year together.

Hugs and love,

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Brenda,
Happy Anniversary to you and your sweetheart.
What beautiful pictures from your special day. I love your dress and you and your guy are a gorgeous couple.
Your girls are so pretty in their southern belle dresses too. Love that color!

Special memories for you all and I wish for you many more wonderful years of happiness and God's love.
Enjoy your special day.
I am so excited to receive my pillow.
Love to you,
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Victoria said...

Happy Anniversary and what wonderful photo's those are! Thank you for sharing:) You were lucky to find your man first time took me my second try to find mine but I'm so glad I did:)

Thank you for stopping by my blog!

chateau de fleurs said...

Happy Anniversary dear friend. You are a beautiful lady both then and now, Christie

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

A very Happy Anniversary Brenda and Brian and many many more to come!
The pictures are lovely and you were beautiful and glowing as all brides should be! Have a wonderful day!
Tina xo

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Jill said...

Happy Anniversary, and many more!!

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Brenda... Happy anniversary to the two of you... what a lovely bride you were and a nice big wedding! We married in July too... I always wish wee had married in a cooler season.. we always go somewhere for our anniversay and melt:-)
Have a great day!!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Ahhhh, what a cute couple. You looked beautiful in your dress and so did your bridesmaids.

Happy Anniversary to both of you.


Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Happy, Happy Anniversay to you and your Brian....what a beautiful bride you make a very handsome couple.
Your dress is so pretty and feminine and your bridesmaids look so lovely....

I loved reading your romantic!

You forgot to post a "today" picture of the two of you....


Carolyn said...

Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed seeing your lovely wedding pics.

The color of the wicker chairs in my garden is pistachio green a spray paint. I love the color too.
Thanks for your kind words.


Anonymous said...

Happy, happy anniversary! Your pictures are beautiful.
I enjoy following your blog.

Victorian1885 said...

Happy Anniversary Brian & look so lovely! I hope you have a lovely Romantic weekend with you honey...

Big Hugs,

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! I love weddings and a good romance the one you share with hubby :) :) those photos are precious!!!! Thansk for sharing them!!! I also loved the tribute you payed to your father...He sounds like he was a good daddy!!!

Thanks for sharing these precious memories with us. Have a good weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...


You looked lovely and you still are today!!
I was 20 y/o when I married Joe soon to be 32 years ago!!


Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

Oh my, Oh my, Oh my, I love looking at wedding pictures from that time. You were a beautiful bride Brenda and so was the whole bridal party. The theme and colors you had used certainly had a romantic flair to it. You and Brian look so good together and I wish you all the best on your Anniversary.

Love & Hugs*


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