Saturday, February 12, 2011

First Baby Picture of My Soon-to-be-Grandchild

Well, I just got done watching the Budweiser Shootout tonight, which was won by Kurt Busch :( I was sooo hoping that my guy, Jeff Gordon could win it, but alas, it was not to it's on to the next race, The Daytona 500, and hopefully he'll get his 4th win of that race won (fingers, toes, etc... crossed)

Anyhoo, I wanted to show you my soon to be first Grandchild's very first daughter had her doctor's appointment this past Thursday, and they did an Ultrasound, and below is a photo of him/her...the little tyke is upside down, so the head is towards the bottom. This is at 10 1/2 weeks along. They have come up with names...Sophia if it's a girl, and Seth if it's a boy. I think those are very nice names :) She'll have another Ultrasound done at about 20 weeks or so along, and I can't wait to see that photo!

And just a reminder that there is only 2 more days left for my VALENTINESPECIAL in my Etsy shoppe, to receive 10% off your purchase.

Lastly, I see that I have reached 400 followers, WOW!!! Thank you so much everyone!! It truly means so much to me....I'll be celebrating my 1 year Blog Anniversary on March 10th, so I'm thinking of having a Giveaway to say Thank You. That will give me some time to think about what I would like to include for this special Giveaway, so stay tuned :)

Until next time sweet bloggie friends!!!


Unknown said...

Wow Brenda, Congrats on the newly expected arrival, how exciting for you and Congrats on reaching 400 followers, that is wonderful. what would we do with out our followers? We wouldn't have any reason to blog except maybe "Notes to thyself". I read on a blog 3-4 weeks back that the blogger stated she really didn't care if anyone followed her or not, it wasn't exactly worded nicely either and that made me think when I read yours about that and how excited you are. I love all my followers and so look forward to hearing and sharing with them. You are a sweet bloggy friend to all! Congrats! Happy Valentines day and hugs! Marilou XOXO

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Congratulations, why that baby is standing on it's head, what a fun and exciting time and congrats on 400!


Rebecca Nelson said...

Oh sweets...I'm soooo happy for you! I love seeing the picture of your new little one in the oven. What a joy! Evidence of GOD for all the world to see.


Trisha said...

Ultrasounds are so amazing! I am so excited for you and your new little grandbaby! Congratulations to you in so many ways!


Victorian1885 said...

Congratulations on your sweet baby Grama! Wow on your 400 followers! I am at 99 followers and can't believe I have that many! lol Have a wonderful Valentine Day tomorrow!

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Brenda,
Wow, this is amazing!!! I am so happy about your grandchild and what a wonderful "introduction" for all of us to this "little bundle of happiness."

Congratulations on 400 followers!!! That's a huge deal!!!

When you get a chance, hop over to my magazine blog to see your feature. I got it posted early!! You're welcome to mention it on your blog too if you want so people know that you are a Guest Artist for Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day to you!!!

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hello dear Brenda,

Oh congrats on your new little grandchild. What a beautiful symbol of love! I am a follower, and have been around since your sweet daughter got married.

Congrats on your magazine feature! How exciting. Wow, 400 followers, that is awesome. I am still pushing for 100 lol I love all my followers too, and have met sooo many nice people, including you! Thanks for being one of mine! Have a great week!



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